E524 (E 500-599 Mineral salts, pH regulators and humectants)
Name :

sodium hydroxide

Group : Suspicious
Warning : Recommended to avoid its use.
Comment : Although there are no known side effects from the use of sodium hydroxide in small amounts in larger quantities can be very harmful. Banned in Australia for that reason. Used to counteract the acidity.
Product Count ingredients
Billa - Laugensemmel - 4er 240 g (bzw. 320 g) (0) (2)
Edna - Krufiss Brot Laugenbrezel (0) (4)
eismann Butterbretzel (0) (5)
eismann Laugengipfeli (0) (3)
бионапиток кисломолочный сладкий "маруся" с фруктовым наполнителем персик, 1,5%, 100г (0) (5)
бионапиток кисломолочный "маруся" с фруктовым наполнителем персик, 1,5%, 100г (0) (5)
slani štapići (0) (7)
солети хрус-хрус (0) (5)
солети със сусам (0) (3)
Сладолед с Орео парченца (0) (10)
1 - 10 from total 645