E251 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name :

sodium nitrate

Group : Suspicious
Warning : May cause eye and skin irritation, shortness of breath, dizziness and headache, harmful by inhalation.
Comment : Used as a preservative for smoked sausage (sausage, bacon, ham, sausages), fish and meats, canned root. May cause eye and skin irritation, shortness of breath, dizziness and headache, harmful by inhalation.
Product Count ingredients
Alfredo - Baguette Salami (0) (4)
Edna - Pizzazunge Salami (0) (9)
Original Wagner Steinofen (0) (7)
Deluxe - Pizza La Gustosa mit Rucola und Salami (0) (6)
Halberstädter Grüne Bohnen-Eintopf (0) (4)
сыр полутвердый "rokiskio" ekstra 250 г. (0) (3)
колбаса вареная докторская "прима", в\с, охлажденная инкофуд (0) (18)
паштет деликатесный из гусиной печени "главпродукт", 315 г (0) (4)
колбаса вареная "атяшево premium" русская высокий стандарт (0) (7)
колбаса в/к «новомосковская» 1кг. (0) (4)
161 - 170 from total 965