клетчатка «легкий вес» тм «сибирская клетчатка», 170 г

клетчатка «легкий вес» тм «сибирская клетчатка», 170 г

Ingredients Translate to English
оболочка пшеничного зерна. ягоды земляники, малины, калины, красной смородины, черной смородины, плоды шиповника, солянка холмовая трава, корень лопуха, стевия (медовая трава), кора крушины.
Product barcode '4607056264415' is produced in Russia .
Barcode Kilocalories per 100 grams Fat in 100 g. Protein in 100 grams carbohydrates in 100 grams Consumed quantity by default ( grams )
35.00 - - - 100.00
In the product were found:
No nutrients found.
- (E 600-699 flavors and flavor enhancers)
Name : Stevia
Group : Safe
Warning : No evidence of adverse effects.
Comment : Ingredient that is 300 times sweeter than sugar. - Frequently employed in Japan as a replacement for other sweeteners. It was used medicinally by drevnie nations - heart stimulant, obesity, hypertension, and heartburn, reduce uric acid levels. Modern research has demonstrated its impact on obesity and hypertension.