консервы мясные стерилизованные паштет с использованием мяса птицы индюшиный печеночный премиум "apetit", 100г

консервы мясные стерилизованные паштет с использованием мяса птицы индюшиный печеночный премиум "apetit", 100г

Ingredients Translate to English
массовая доля мяса 31,89%; субпродуктов 18,83%. мясо птицы мехобвалки, бульон или вода питьевая, шпик свиной, шкурка птицы, печень свиная, соль поваренная пищевая йодированная, крахмал картофельный, крахмал кукурузный пищевой модифицированный, белок соевый, яичный порошок, добавка пищевая "pasztet wietski" (мальтодекстрин, гидролизат белка, натуральные специи и их экстракты, усилители вкуса и аромата е621, е635), или добавка пищевая печеночный паштет (экстракты специй, усилитель вкуса е621 3%, соль), эмульгатор "биндер к" (белок соевый, загуститель е412, соль пищевая, экстракты натуральных приправ), или "эмулин" (эмульгатор е472с) или "эком iv" (эмульгатор е412, загуститель е1422, картофельная клетчатка), усилитель вкуса глутамат натрия, антиокислитель изоаскорбинат натрия.
Product barcode '4811548002892' is produced in Belarus .
Product causes the following disease : cardiovascular diseases ;
Barcode Kilocalories per 100 grams Fat in 100 g. Protein in 100 grams carbohydrates in 100 grams Consumed quantity by default ( grams )
200.00 30.00 5.00 1.40 100.00
In the product were found:
No nutrients found.
E142 (E 100-199 Dyes)
Name : ½ green
Group : Dangerous
Warning : Risk of Allergies
Comment : Banned in Sweden, USA and Norway. A synthetically produced from coal tar. Used in frozen peas, mint jellies and sauces, cakes and bread crumbs.
E412 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : guar gum
Group : Dangerous
Warning : May cause nausea, flatulence and cramps.
Comment : Obtained from the seeds of Cyamoposis tetragonolobus, a plant grown in India. Used to feed the cattle in the United States. May cause nausea, flatulence and cramps. Lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
E621 (E 600-699 flavors and flavor enhancers)
Name : monosodium Glutamate
Group : Suspicious
Warning : Do not take from babies!
Comment : Flavoring and salt substitute. It is produced by fermentation of molasses. Side effects may occur in patients with asthma. Most often used in frozen vegetables, frozen tuna and many other frozen foods in sauces.
E635 (E 600-699 flavors and flavor enhancers)
Name : Disodium 5'-ribonucleotides
Group : Suspicious ,Not suitable for vegetarians
Warning : Can lead to itchy skin rash 30 hours after its adoption.
Comment : In some countries is prohibited. Can lead to itchy skin rash 30 hours after its consumption. The strength of the response depends on the quantity and accumulates with each dose. Used in flavored chips, noodles, pie. Recommended to avoid its use.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : maltodextrin
Group : Suspicious
Warning : Should be avoided by people with gluten intolerance and by those predisposed to diabetes or autoimmune disease.
Comment : Artificial sweetener - safe in small quantities for a healthy person. It is recommended not to take in large quantities or in people with digestive problems. It is obtained from carbohydrates of rice, corn, potatoes, barley. It can be extracted naturally from nature, so it is considered unnecessary - accepted as a dietary supplement.
- (E 1000 - 1599 Additional chemicals)
Name : Artificial flavor
Group : Suspicious
Warning : It has undefined effects on health. It is preferable to not consume it.
Comment : Derived from chemicals in a laboratory and have absolutely no nutritional value. Each artificial flavor in the food industry have some harmful effects on health.
E1422 (E 1000 - 1599 Additional chemicals)
Name : Acetylated distarch adipate
Group : Safe
Warning : No evidence of adverse effects.
Comment : No evidence of adverse effects.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : Salt
Group :
Warning : Needed by the body , but in small quantities .
Comment : Overuse of salt leads to cardiovascular diseases , eye diseases , and overall deterioration of health .