E262 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name :

Sodium acetate

Group : Suspicious
Warning : Attention in case of hypersensitivity from vinegar!
Comment : Used to acidificate the products. Adjusts the acidity. No evidence of adverse effects.
Product Count ingredients
Gut&Günstig - Mehrkorn Brötchen (0) (2)
Migros Brioche-Gipfel (0) (6)
Jomo - Marmor Guglhupf (0) (7)
Muffins - Choco Drops (0) (11)
Rewe - Weizen-Vollkorn Sandwich (0) (3)
Toast (0) (3)
Wojnar's Premium Sandwich English Club (0) (13)
natsu Sandwich Hähnchen Sweet Chili (0) (8)
Vollkorn Toast (0) (3)
lay's strong mocne piri piri chipsy grubo krojone 150 g (0) (7)
141 - 150 from total 662