cranberries sweetened with apple juice , grain power

cranberries sweetened with apple juice , grain power

cranberries (52 %) , apple juice thick ( 47%), sonnenblumenöl.alle ingredients come from organic farming.
Product barcode '4032663260527' is produced in Germany .
Barcode Kilocalories per 100 grams Fat in 100 g. Protein in 100 grams carbohydrates in 100 grams Consumed quantity by default ( grams )
1,450.00 0.60 0.90 80.40 100.00
In the product were found:
No nutrients found.
- (E 1000 - 1599 Additional chemicals)
Name : Artificial flavor
Group : Suspicious
Warning : It has undefined effects on health. It is preferable to not consume it.
Comment : Derived from chemicals in a laboratory and have absolutely no nutritional value. Each artificial flavor in the food industry have some harmful effects on health.
E174 (E 100-199 Dyes)
Name : silver
Group : Safe
Warning : Avoid use.
Comment : Avoid use. In some countries is prohibited.