аджика русский аппетит. 200 г

аджика русский аппетит. 200 г

Ingredients Translate to English
вода питьевая, соль поваренная пищевая, перец красный молотый, пищевая добавка-загуститель е1422, кориандр молотый, чеснок сушеный молотый, семена пажитника молотые, лист лавровый молотый, укроп сушеный, базилик сушеный, сельдерей сушеный, петрушка сушеная
Product barcode '4606260002127' is produced in Russia .
Product causes the following disease : cardiovascular diseases ;
Barcode Kilocalories per 100 grams Fat in 100 g. Protein in 100 grams carbohydrates in 100 grams Consumed quantity by default ( grams )
19.20 - 0.20 4.60 100.00
In the product were found:
No nutrients found.
E142 (E 100-199 Dyes)
Name : ½ green
Group : Dangerous
Warning : Risk of Allergies
Comment : Banned in Sweden, USA and Norway. A synthetically produced from coal tar. Used in frozen peas, mint jellies and sauces, cakes and bread crumbs.
E1422 (E 1000 - 1599 Additional chemicals)
Name : Acetylated distarch adipate
Group : Safe
Warning : No evidence of adverse effects.
Comment : No evidence of adverse effects.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : Salt
Group :
Warning : Needed by the body , but in small quantities .
Comment : Overuse of salt leads to cardiovascular diseases , eye diseases , and overall deterioration of health .