kostici ovocnáci

kostici ovocnáci

Ingredients Translate to English
jogurt: mlieko, ovocná zložka 7% (cukor, jahodový 14,3% a banánový džus 3,8%, koncentrát z čiernej mrkvy , arómy, vitamín D3, cukor, jogurtové kultúry a cereálny extrudát v bielej, mliečnej a tmavej čokoláde 5,7%: tmavá a mliečna čokoláda - obsah kakaovej sušiny min. 38% a 25%, extrudát: pšeničná múka a krupica, cukor , soľ jedlá, kakao, leštiace látky: arabská guma, sacharóza, med. Čokoláda obsahuje aj rastlinný tuk, "Obsahuje lepok a sóju. Môže obsahovať stopy arašidov a orechov". Obsah tuku najmenej 3.3% hmot.
Product barcode '8595002105447' is produced in Czech Republic .
Product causes the following disease : cardiovascular diseases - heart and cardiovascular system ;
Barcode Kilocalories per 100 grams Fat in 100 g. Protein in 100 grams carbohydrates in 100 grams Consumed quantity by default ( grams )
- - - - 100.00
In the product were found:
No nutrients found.
E414 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : gum arabic
Group : Dangerous
Warning : It is possible to cause allergy.
Comment : Derived from the sap of the Acacia Sengal. It is easily destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract. Possible allergen. Soothes inflamed mucous mucous membranes.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : Fructose-glucose syrup
Group : Dangerous
Warning : Consumption in large quantities is dangerous to health. The liver fails to process it instantly into energy and converts it into fat. Increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, insulin resistance and diabetes.
Comment : Provides the body with only calories without minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : Salt
Group :
Warning : Needed by the body , but in small quantities .
Comment : Overuse of salt leads to cardiovascular diseases , eye diseases , and overall deterioration of health .