E407 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name :


Group : Dangerous
Warning : Ulcers and cancer.
Comment : Obtained from seaweed. Recently demonstrated its relationship to cancer, since the treatment with ethylene oxide (to be used for the cold sterilization of the product) is formed of ethylene chlorohydrin, which is highly carcinogenic activity. There are also toxic properties associated with ulceration and cancer. The most serious injuries have breakdown products of Carrageenan. Although it is used in natural form in the gut during degradation produce different degradation products.
Product Count ingredients
Elite Gold Mousse au Chocolat (0) (4)
Zondler's Dessert Pudding Panna Cotta (0) (3)
eismann Tiramisu (0) (11)
Magnum Infinity - Chocolate & Caramel (0) (9)
Crema Latte Caramello ICE (0) (7)
продукт творожный "чудо" мюсли 5,4% 115 г. (0) (11)
торт "медовый рай, 0.9 кг (0) (16)
мороженое пломбир ванильный с добавлением кураги, чернослива, арахиса и шоколадной глазури в вафельном стаканчике "золотой стандарт", 83 г (0) (12)
agrovita szynka mielona wieprzowa , 110 g консервы "шинка деликатесная свиная" 110г (0) (7)
сыр рамболь (rambol) деликатесный с травами, 1,8 кг (0) (9)
131 - 140 from total 2422