E416 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name :

Guar gum

Group : Dangerous
Warning : It is possible to cause allergy.
Comment : Obtained from the tree Sterculia urens. It is often used in combination with E 410 in ice cream, caramel, cookies, such as a vehicle that enables them to increase in volume 100 times or more with the addition of water. Possible allergen.
Product Count ingredients
Sonnen Bassermann Schlemmergulasch (0) (9)
KingFrais Kaffee Gourmet (0) (8)
ja! Vanilledessert mit Sahne (0) (8)
eismann Becher Duo (0) (8)
Grandessa - Kokos, Marillen oder Nuss - Eisknödel (0) (13)
Lupinesse - Choko-Flakes-Eis (0) (9)
Riva 8 Mini Choco (0) (8)
Choco Mandel Stieleis (0) (10)
продукт творожный "даниссимо" с вишней, 130 г (0) (11)
паста творожная десертная "венский завтрак" с фруктовым наполнителем вишня-эхинацея, пастеризованная, 7%, 130г (0) (9)
31 - 40 from total 2749