E150a (E 100-199 Dyes)
Name :

plain caramel

Group : Safe
Warning : For children is particularly harmful. Can cause hyperactivity.
Comment : Dark brown dye, which is derived from sucrose. Recommended to avoid its use. Used in oyster, soy, fruit and frozen sauces, beer, whiskey, biscuits, pickles.
Product Count ingredients
Tomme de chèvre (24% MG) - 180 g - Dia (0) (4)
Виски ирландский Jameson 700 мл. (0) (1)
eismann Double Chocolate (0) (10)
piernik gwiazdka z nadzieniem śliwkowym w czekoladzie (0) (8)
dr. oetker guseppe pizza z szynką i salami pikantna 400 g (0) (8)
grześki toffi wafel przekładany kremem o smaku toffi w czekoladzie mlecznej 36 g (0) (7)
fant pokus karamel (0) (4)
vifon inst polievka k (0) (18)
moto čokolada i naranča (0) (10)
quattro american dream (kikiriki, mliječna čokolada, karamela i nugat) (0) (15)
171 - 180 from total 1523