E1422 (E 1000 - 1599 Additional chemicals)
Name :

Acetylated distarch adipate

Group : Safe
Warning : No evidence of adverse effects.
Comment : No evidence of adverse effects.
Product Count ingredients
sauce \ (0) (12)
sauce \ (0) (12)
processed cheese product \ (0) (18)
- instant drink cocoa \ (0) (10)
yogurt and juice milkydreams ( peach and passion fruit ) 0.8% , 500g (0) (8)
product pasteurized yoghurt fruit \ (0) (14)
yogurt and juice milkydreams ( lemon and tropical fruit ) 0.8% , 500g (0) (9)
milk yogurt fruit flavored taste double cherry cherry with - mJ 2.4% , a \ (0) (10)
milk yogurt fruit flavored double raspberry blueberry with - mJ 2.4% \ (0) (11)
yogurt miracle mango melon + 2.4% 400 g (0) (11)
361 - 370 from total 456