E250 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name :

sodium nitrite

Group : Dangerous
Warning : Carcinogen! Dangerous for kids and babies!
Comment : Can lead to hyperactivity. Potential carcinogen. In the stomach it can react with other chemicals to form nitrosamines. Recommended to avoid its use. In some countries its use is limited.
Product Count ingredients
Camembert bio (20% MG) au lait pasteurisé -250 g - Le Montsûrais (0) (2)
Breadies - Mehrkorn-Sandwich - Hähnchen (0) (10)
Cavabel Pizza Chorizo (0) (8)
Original Wagner Steinofen Pizzies Speciale (0) (6)
Mexikanischer Bohnentopf (Familientopf) (0) (16)
8 Delikatess Wiener Würstchen (0) (5)
колбаса ливерная "herta" 250г (0) (4)
паштет "дека" супер завтрак печеночный 190 г. (0) (5)
колбаса варено-копченая сервелат "австрийский", высший сорт, охлажденная. 400 г (0) (2)
bratislavské párky 350 (0) (9)
31 - 40 from total 1883