E262 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name :

Sodium acetate

Group : Suspicious
Warning : Attention in case of hypersensitivity from vinegar!
Comment : Used to acidificate the products. Adjusts the acidity. No evidence of adverse effects.
Product Count ingredients
Rosinen Stuten (0) (5)
Ölz - Marmokuchen - Kuchensnack (0) (10)
Toastbrot (0) (2)
Zimmermann - Dreikorn Toastbrot (0) (2)
Billa - Mozzarella Sanwich (0) (16)
Erbsentopf (0) (6)
real Quality - Frikadelle in Zwiebelsauce mit Kartoffelpüree (0) (4)
сухарики "хрус team" к пенному, шашлык (0) (6)
indykpol premium polędwica wędzona z kurczaka 100 g (0) (7)
parížsky šalát 400g (0) (23)
111 - 120 from total 662