E282 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name :

calcium propionate

Group : Safe
Warning : Can cause migraine headaches.
Comment : Can cause migraine headaches. Used in the manufacture of pastry products.
Product Count ingredients
Humana milk porridge with cherries and bananas , . after 6 months , 250 g (0) (11)
arl Apetina white Mediterranean -type cheese with tomato herring in oil , 100 g (0) (9)
Cisowianka natural mineral water , 700 ml (0) (6)
festivities sides of crackers, 95 g (0) (16)
Bonduelle steamed white cannellini beans , 425 ml (0) (3)
Delecta easy Spread chocolate flavor 50 g, 50 g (0) (13)
Delecta easy Spread with chocolate flakes 50 g, 50 g (0) (14)
Delecta wheat tortilla wraps maxi 4sztuki , 245 g (0) (13)
Kamis keczupurek ketchup for kids , 300 g (0) (5)
sirloin Sopot (0) (25)
381 - 390 from total 1103