E310 (E 300-399 Antioxidants, minerals and acidity regulators)
Name :


Group : Dangerous
Warning : Eczema, stomach problems
Comment : Used to prevent rancidity of fats. Can cause gastritis or inflammation of the skin, impaired circulation, and methemoglobinemia (impaired transport of oxygen from the blood to the tissues of the body). Used in various fats, margarine, sauces. Sometimes enter into the composition of packaging materials.
Product Count ingredients
(0) (9)
Styrum's Green Drops (0) (5)
Solar Sense Clear Zinc Stick for Face & Lips, SPF 50, Green Tea & Aloe (0) (1)
Ecover Weichspüler "Auf der Blumenwiese" (0) (1)
Kneipp Badegeheimnis Momente der Romantik (0) (5)
десерт творожный взбитый "чудо творожок" клубника, 100 г (0) (11)
торт "ночное рандеву", 1100 г (0) (29)
торт "бархат ночи", 1000 г (0) (28)
печенье сдобное королева очарования "рускон", 290г (0) (11)
итальянский десерт faretti карамельный со вкусом карамели, 400 г (0) (17)
1 - 10 from total 977