te displaykartong 12 sort lipton

te displaykartong 12 sort lipton

Ingredients Translate to English
russian earl grey : svart te, arom. darjeeling : svart te 100% blue fruit : svart te, arom, svart vinbär 2,4%, maltodextrin, frukt 1,2% (björnbär 0,6%, blåbär 0,6%).). forest fruits : svart te, arom, skogsbär 2,3% (jordgubb 0,55%, hallon 0,55%, röda vinbär 0,55%, björnbär 0,55%, körsbär 0,1% ), maltodextrin. vanilla: svart te, arom, vaniljstång 0,5% green tea orient:grönt te, arom, anis 0,8%, kanel 0,8%, lakrits. rooibos: rooibos 94%, arom. green tea citrus:grönt te, arom, citronskal 0,5%, limeskal 0,5%, apelsinskal 0,5%, grapefruktskal 0,5%. lemon: svart te, arom, citrusskal 2,2%. yellow label: svart te 100% earl grey: svart te, arom. fruit infusion: äpple 43%, hibiskus 32%, nypon 25%.
Product barcode '8711200570829' is produced in Netherlands .
Barcode Kilocalories per 100 grams Fat in 100 g. Protein in 100 grams carbohydrates in 100 grams Consumed quantity by default ( grams )
- - - - 100.00
In the product were found:
No nutrients found.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : maltodextrin
Group : Suspicious
Warning : Should be avoided by people with gluten intolerance and by those predisposed to diabetes or autoimmune disease.
Comment : Artificial sweetener - safe in small quantities for a healthy person. It is recommended not to take in large quantities or in people with digestive problems. It is obtained from carbohydrates of rice, corn, potatoes, barley. It can be extracted naturally from nature, so it is considered unnecessary - accepted as a dietary supplement.
- (E 1000 - 1599 Additional chemicals)
Name : Artificial flavor
Group : Suspicious
Warning : It has undefined effects on health. It is preferable to not consume it.
Comment : Derived from chemicals in a laboratory and have absolutely no nutritional value. Each artificial flavor in the food industry have some harmful effects on health.
E100 (E 100-199 Dyes)
Name : curcumin
Group : Safe
Warning : Turmeric extract
Comment : Prepared from roots of turmeric but may be produced synthetically. Used in cheese, margarine, baked sweets.