Gebratene Nudeln Ente

Gebratene Nudeln Ente

Ingredients Translate to English
85,7 % Nudeln (Hartweizengrieß, Eier), Gemüse (Zwiebeln, Weißkraut, Lauch, Paprika); Aroma, Jodsalz, Entenfleisch, Hühnerfett, Zucker, Gewürze, GewürzextrakteMalzessigpulver (mit Gerst), Geschmacksverstärker (Mononatriumglutamat, Dinatriumguanylat, Dinatriuminosinat), Maltodextrin, Säuerungsmittel Citronensäure, Antioxitadionsmittel (Butylhydroxyanisol, Propylgallat), Farbstoff Ammoniak-Zuckerkulör. [Spuren: Soja, Milch, Sellerie, Senf]
Product barcode '7613030700067' is produced in Switzerland .
Product causes the following disease : cancer , cardiovascular diseases - heart and cardiovascular system ;
Barcode Kilocalories per 100 grams Fat in 100 g. Protein in 100 grams carbohydrates in 100 grams Consumed quantity by default ( grams )
201.00 5.50 6.50 31.40 100.00
In the product were found:
No nutrients found.
E310 (E 300-399 Antioxidants, minerals and acidity regulators)
Name : propyl
Group : Dangerous
Warning : Eczema, stomach problems
Comment : Used to prevent rancidity of fats. Can cause gastritis or inflammation of the skin, impaired circulation, and methemoglobinemia (impaired transport of oxygen from the blood to the tissues of the body). Used in various fats, margarine, sauces. Sometimes enter into the composition of packaging materials.
E320 (E 300-399 Antioxidants, minerals and acidity regulators)
Name : Butyl hydroxide anisole (BHA)
Group : Dangerous
Warning : probable mutagen
Comment : 1958 banned in Japan. Proposed to be banned in Britain. McDonald's does not use it in their products by 1986. Obtained from oil. Slows the decay of food as a result of their oxidation. Contained in fats, oils, margarine, chewing gum, nuts, pieces of tomatoes, plastic food packaging. May cause allergic reactions can trigger hyperactivity. There was evidence of carcinogenicity and effects similar to those of estrogens. At high doses, leads to the formation of tumors in experimental animals.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : Fructose-glucose syrup
Group : Dangerous
Warning : Consumption in large quantities is dangerous to health. The liver fails to process it instantly into energy and converts it into fat. Increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, insulin resistance and diabetes.
Comment : Provides the body with only calories without minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.
E621 (E 600-699 flavors and flavor enhancers)
Name : monosodium Glutamate
Group : Suspicious
Warning : Do not take from babies!
Comment : Flavoring and salt substitute. It is produced by fermentation of molasses. Side effects may occur in patients with asthma. Most often used in frozen vegetables, frozen tuna and many other frozen foods in sauces.
E627 (E 600-699 flavors and flavor enhancers)
Name : Disodium guanylate
Group : Suspicious
Warning : Be avoided by asthmatics and people with gout!
Comment : Obtained from sardines or yeast. May worsen the course of gout.
E631 (E 600-699 flavors and flavor enhancers)
Name : disodium inosinate
Group : Suspicious ,Not suitable for vegetarians
Warning : Be avoided by asthmatics and people with gout!
Comment : A meat or sardines. May worsen the course of gout.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : maltodextrin
Group : Suspicious
Warning : Should be avoided by people with gluten intolerance and by those predisposed to diabetes or autoimmune disease.
Comment : Artificial sweetener - safe in small quantities for a healthy person. It is recommended not to take in large quantities or in people with digestive problems. It is obtained from carbohydrates of rice, corn, potatoes, barley. It can be extracted naturally from nature, so it is considered unnecessary - accepted as a dietary supplement.
- (E 1000 - 1599 Additional chemicals)
Name : Artificial flavor
Group : Suspicious
Warning : It has undefined effects on health. It is preferable to not consume it.
Comment : Derived from chemicals in a laboratory and have absolutely no nutritional value. Each artificial flavor in the food industry have some harmful effects on health.