E524 (E 500-599 Mineral salts, pH regulators and humectants)
Name :

sodium hydroxide

Group : Suspicious
Warning : Recommended to avoid its use.
Comment : Although there are no known side effects from the use of sodium hydroxide in small amounts in larger quantities can be very harmful. Banned in Australia for that reason. Used to counteract the acidity.
Product Count ingredients
wafer fruit (1) (12)
Nestea peach (0) (9)
Nestea peach (0) (9)
multivita plus lemon (2) (13)
crackers salad (1) (6)
saltas Salt Sticks (1) (7)
hobbits cocoa (0) (11)
leibniz minis butter biscuits (2) (11)
жарт Соль палачкі шега Сол пръчици vic slani štapići шутка Соль палочки жарт Сіль палички 笑话盐棒 笑話鹽棒 (0) (7)
жарт Соль палачкі шега Сол пръчици nali Salt pulgad txantxa Salt Trailara vic slani štapići 농담 소금 스틱 Anekdotas Druska sticks grap Zout Sticks żart Salt Sticks шутка Соль палочки Sticks shaka Salt жарт Сіль палички đùa Salt Sticks 笑话盐棒 笑話鹽棒 (0) (7)
131 - 140 from total 645