E635 (E 600-699 flavors and flavor enhancers)
Name :

Disodium 5'-ribonucleotides

Group : Suspicious ,Not suitable for vegetarians
Warning : Can lead to itchy skin rash 30 hours after its adoption.
Comment : In some countries is prohibited. Can lead to itchy skin rash 30 hours after its consumption. The strength of the response depends on the quantity and accumulates with each dose. Used in flavored chips, noodles, pie. Recommended to avoid its use.
Product Count ingredients
Bon Chef Premium Tomaten mit Basilikum (0) (10)
Bon Chef Premium Kürbiscrème (0) (10)
Bon Chef Ribeli (0) (6)
Corbell Schnelle Tasse Spargelcreme (0) (4)
Nissin Cup Nudeln - Asia Style Tom Tom (0) (15)
Nissin Top Ramen - Japanische Art (0) (13)
Noodle Snack - Thai Gemüse (0) (8)
Nudelsuppe (0) (2)
ржаные сухарики "три корочки" со вкусом сыра и семги + соус тартар. 80 г (0) (17)
Maggi (0) (8)
1 - 10 from total 151