E160a (E 100-199 Dyes)
Name :


Group : Safe
Warning : Can stain teeth and skin
Comment : Orange-yellow dye. In the human body turns into vitamin A. Accumulates in the liver. Located in carrots and other orange or yellow colored fruits and vegetables.
Product Count ingredients
Saint Albray (34% MG) - 200 g (0) (3)
3-Ähren-Brot Schokobrötchen (0) (7)
Italissimo (0) (6)
Snot Shots Bubble Gum (0) (21)
arôme vanille crènepulver (0) (6)
Jeden Tag - maximum-mandel - Speiseeis (0) (10)
Mövenpick Mirabelle Mascarpone (0) (11)
творог зернёный и "осенний сад" "101 зерно+сливки", 5% жирности. (0) (6)
сыр "моцарелла санта лючия" (для пиццы), 400г (0) (2)
milka czekolada choco jelly 250 g (0) (12)
71 - 80 from total 1384