coconut milk - 17-19 % fat - look 400ml

coconut milk - 17-19 % fat - look 400ml

coconut extract ( 99.5%) , stabilizers ( guar gum, xanthan gum ) , emulsifiers ( mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, E435 , E466 ) , preservative ( sodium disulfite ) .
Product barcode '8710605092196' is produced in Netherlands .
Barcode Kilocalories per 100 grams Fat in 100 g. Protein in 100 grams carbohydrates in 100 grams Consumed quantity by default ( grams )
180.00 17.80 1.80 3.00 100.00
In the product were found:
No nutrients found.
E412 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : guar gum
Group : Dangerous
Warning : May cause nausea, flatulence and cramps.
Comment : Obtained from the seeds of Cyamoposis tetragonolobus, a plant grown in India. Used to feed the cattle in the United States. May cause nausea, flatulence and cramps. Lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
E415 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : xanthan gum
Group : Dangerous
Warning : Attention! Risk of choking for children!
Comment : A fermented beans.
E416 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : Guar gum
Group : Dangerous
Warning : It is possible to cause allergy.
Comment : Obtained from the tree Sterculia urens. It is often used in combination with E 410 in ice cream, caramel, cookies, such as a vehicle that enables them to increase in volume 100 times or more with the addition of water. Possible allergen.
- (E 900-999 Other)
Name : Fructose-glucose syrup
Group : Dangerous
Warning : Consumption in large quantities is dangerous to health. The liver fails to process it instantly into energy and converts it into fat. Increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, insulin resistance and diabetes.
Comment : Provides the body with only calories without minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.
E221 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name : sodium sulphite
Group : Suspicious
Warning : With alcohol increases hangover
Comment : Used in fresh orange juice.
E223 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name : sodium metabisulphite
Group : Suspicious
Warning : Attention in hypersensitivity!
Comment : Derived from coal tar. All sulfur compounds are toxic and their use should be limited. Can cause an asthma attack. Tough metabolism in individuals with impaired kidney function. Destroys vitamin B1. Used in beer, soft drinks, dried fruit, juices, stimulants, wine, vinegar, tomato products.
E435 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : polysorbate 60
Group : Suspicious ,Not suitable for vegetarians
Warning : Recommended to avoid its use.
Comment : Recommended to avoid its use. In some countries is prohibited.
E450 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : Diphosphate
Group : Suspicious
Warning : High doses can disrupt the normal ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
Comment : No evidence of adverse effects.
E466 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : carboxymethylcellulose
Group : Suspicious
Warning : Intestinal problems. Prohibited for infants!
Comment :
E513 (E 500-599 Mineral salts, pH regulators and humectants)
Name : sulfuric acid
Group : Suspicious
Warning : Recommended to avoid its use.
Comment : Recommended to avoid using it. Certain countries is prohibited.
E422 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : glycerol
Group : Safe ,Not suitable for vegetarians
Warning : In large quantities leads to headache, thirst, nausea, and high levels of blood sugar.
Comment : Sweetener. Colorless alcohol. Prepared from fats and alkali salts. Intermediate in the production of soap from animal or vegetable fat. Can be obtained from petroleum products. Synthesized from propylene or by fermentation of sugar. Used in the lining of sausage, cheese and more., In dried fruits, liqueurs, vodka. It is believed that protects DNA from damage caused by inducers of carcinogenesis, ultraviolet light and radiation. In large quantities leads to headache, thirst, nausea, and high levels of blood sugar. It is also used in sweets, candy, low-calorie foods.
E471 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : Glycerides of fatty acids
Group : Safe
Warning : No evidence of adverse effects.
Comment : No evidence of adverse effects.
E473 (E 400-499 Tires, thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers)
Name : Sucrose esters from fatty acids
Group : Safe ,Not suitable for vegetarians
Warning : No evidence of adverse effects.
Comment : No evidence of adverse effects.
E514 (E 500-599 Mineral salts, pH regulators and humectants)
Name : sodium sulfate
Group : Safe
Warning : Can disturb the water balance in the body.
Comment : Can disturb the water balance in the body.
E570 (E 500-599 Mineral salts, pH regulators and humectants)
Name : fatty acids
Group : Safe ,Not suitable for vegetarians
Warning : Not for use by vegetarians!
Comment : There may be an animal. See also described for stearate.