E627 (E 600-699 flavors and flavor enhancers)
Name :

Disodium guanylate

Group : Suspicious
Warning : Be avoided by asthmatics and people with gout!
Comment : Obtained from sardines or yeast. May worsen the course of gout.
Product Count ingredients
Nouilles chinoises instantanées à l'orientale goût crabe (0) (7)
Indomie Mi goreng Nudelsnack Bratnudel Geschmack (0) (12)
Instantnudelsuppe Huhn mild (0) (9)
Knorr Fleisch Suppe (0) (5)
yumyum Oriental Style Instant Noodles SHRIMP FLAVOUR (TOM YUM) (0) (20)
Ragout Fin (0) (8)
сухарики " night флинт" со вкусом и ароматом бекона, 40 г. (0) (10)
колбаса вареная "докторская гранд" высший сорт, охлажденная. (0) (14)
chio nachos ser maasdamer chipsy kukurydziane 400 g (0) (6)
pringles paprika (0) (11)
231 - 240 from total 635