E262 (E 200-299 Preservatives)
Name :

Sodium acetate

Group : Suspicious
Warning : Attention in case of hypersensitivity from vinegar!
Comment : Used to acidificate the products. Adjusts the acidity. No evidence of adverse effects.
Product Count ingredients
Golden Toast Rosinen Schnitten (0) (7)
K-Classik - Vollkorntoast (0) (2)
Mcennedy 6 Muffins mit Schokotropfen XXL (0) (10)
Edna - Topfen-Torte (0) (13)
Lieken Golden Toast Vollkorn Toasties (0) (7)
Chef Menü - Sandwich mit Thunfisch und Ei (0) (9)
Lysell Matjes-Mahlzeit (0) (10)
KRAEUTER WUERZE Dressing - ohne Öl (0) (5)
сандвич “Риба тон” (0) (19)
tauris párky favorit v (0) (17)
211 - 220 from total 662