E124 (E 100-199 Dyes)
Name :

Ponceau 412, Cochineal Red A

Group : Dangerous
Warning : Leads to hyperactivity in children
Comment : Banned in the USA and Norway. Obtained from coal tar and azo dyes. Can produce bad reactions in asthmatics and people allergic to aspirin. In animals, resulting in the formation of tumors.
Product Count ingredients
surprise egg kim possible (0) (11)
valora fruit cocktail (0) (11)
glücksschwein (0) (12)
marzipan (0) (10)
marzipan pastry chef (0) (10)
delicate marzipan fruits (0) (7)
edible Easter grass (0) (11)
Heinerle crispy rice (0) (13)
nougat with chocolate (0) (8)
naughty früchtchen (0) (28)
261 - 270 from total 299