E160b (E 100-199 Dyes)
Name :

Annatto, bixin, norbixin

Group : Dangerous
Warning : Risk of allergies and eczema
Comment : Dangerous. Recommended to avoid its use. Red dye. Derived from a tree (Bixa orellana). It is used for coloring and body tissues. Aids digestion and expectoration. Used for coloring cheese, butter, margarine, cereals, snacks, soaps, textiles and nail polish. Can cause urticaria.
Product Count ingredients
Grain d'Orge (22% MG) affiné au Calvados sur paille - 250 g - E. Graindorge (0) (3)
Raclette de caractère (29% MG) - 400 g - RichesMonts (0) (5)
Prinz Albert - Schnitte (0) (14)
Rosinen Brötchen (0) (10)
Piccoletti (0) (15)
торт песочный "муравейник" медовый "русская нива", 340г (0) (16)
пряник "карамельный" 160 г (0) (12)
сладости мучные "знатны пачастунак" язычки слоеные, 300г (0) (13)
сыр грин песто "henri willig", 380 г (0) (4)
сыр мимолет "фрико" 40% нарезка 150г (0) (3)
21 - 30 from total 168